Monday, December 3, 2007

About Him

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel, or think, about this guy in Japan. I don't know that much about him. A few facts and a few things that my girlfriend has told which may, or may not, reflect his true self.

I know he's English and that he's been in Japan for a few years now. I know what he looks like, having seen the photos of them both. And, of course, I know that he doesn't know the truth about my relationship, that he thinks I'm just a jealous ex.

My girlfriend has told me that he helped her a lot while she was there. She hasn't said how he did that and I'm not sure I trust his motivations having dealt with him via email. Maybe it's just the fantasies again, me seeing what I want to see, but he comes across as arrogant, self-righteous and manipulative. I can picture him preying on a new female JET each year, using them for his own ends and finding the next when they return home.

He definitely has a way of twisting a persons words to his own advantage and that concerns me. I don't know for sure what he's saying to my girlfriend, but I know that it won't be anything to benefit fact, I expect it to be the opposite.

I feel that he's taken a lot from me over the last year. Not just the support and love I needed while I was going through difficult times, but also my hope. Whether knowingly or not, he stole the love and affections of my girlfriend, stole experiences that I hopes to share with her in Japan. It was difficult finding out that all the places we visited, all the things we did, she'd already shared with him before I arrived. It made the experience seem empty and worthless...made me feel worthless.

She says that her reason for not telling him the truth, is that he has had a string of girlfriends cheat on him in the past. The irony isn't lost on me. I can't honestly say I care however, not after his reaction to my emails where he made it perfectly clear how he felt about me and my contact with him.

I don't know whether he's planning on returning to England at any point. My girlfriend says he isn't, but that means little. I know, at least at the present time, if he did return, he would want to see her. I couldn't handle that. I'm not a violent person, I've never thrown a punch in my life, but if I saw him in person at the moment, I know that I would attack him. I hate him. It may not be right of me to do so, but it's easier to hate someone you don't know over someone you love.

Time will tell if that hate is justified or not.

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